Do Not Disturb (DND) is a feature that allows you to block unwanted calls and messages from telemarketing companies. If you are a Jio user, you can activate DND on your phone to stop receiving these unwanted calls and messages. In this article, we will show you how to activate DND in Jio in detail.
Step 1: Understand the Types of DND
Before activating DND on your Jio number, it is important to understand the different types of DND available. There are two types of DND:
- Full DND: This blocks all types of commercial calls and messages.
- Selective DND: This allows you to block specific types of commercial calls and messages.
Step 2: Register for DND
To activate DND on your Jio number, you will first need to register for the service. There are three ways to register for DND:
- SMS: Send an SMS with the keyword “START 0” to 1909. This will activate Full DND on your number.
- Call: Call 1909 and follow the IVR instructions to activate DND.
- Online: Visit the Jio website and log in to your account. Go to the “My Account” section and select “DND registration.”
Step 3: Choose Your DND Type
Once you have registered for DND, you can choose the type of DND you want to activate. To choose the Full DND, you can send an SMS with the keyword “START 0” to 1909. To choose selective DND, you can send an SMS with the keyword “START” followed by the relevant category code to 1909.
Step 4: Confirm Your Selection
After you have chosen the type of DND you want to activate, you will receive a confirmation message from Jio. To confirm your selection, you will need to reply with “Y” to the confirmation message. Once you have confirmed your selection, DND will be activated on your number.
Step 5: Deactivate or Change DND
If you ever want to deactivate or change your DND settings, you can do so by following the same steps as above. To deactivate DND, send an SMS with the keyword “STOP” to 1909. To change your DND settings, send an SMS with the keyword “MODIFY” followed by the relevant category code to 1909.
In conclusion, activating DND in Jio is a simple process that can be done through SMS, call or online. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can block unwanted calls and messages from telemarketing companies and enjoy a hassle-free phone experience.